

Piosenka, w której podmiot liryczny sugeruje, że gdyby umarł dzisiaj, to wie gdzie by trafił. In English.

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Słowa i chwyty:

e D e C D e Walking through the valley of the shadow of death Why should I fear evil if God is by my side Like a helpless dove chased by birds of prey There's no reason to fear - I will die anyway C D e C D e But what better than death can happen to me? C D e C D e For if I died today I know where I would be They'll opress us daily both by words and sword They'll be always hostile: the world and the Lord In your pain be faithful, borders will not blend He is truely victor who's victor in the end And you, my enemy, do not laugh at me Think, when it comes to end where you will be So you're independent, master of your life Chasing your own dreams, for your own goals you strive You're nobody's servant, living here and now You will never kneel, you will never bow Trade your present life for eternity But if you died today where would you be?